Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Are you effing joking?

Has Luann actually begun a serial story about Dad CHANGING A LIGHTBULB? Jeez Louise people, I'll take an ongoing-yet-going-nowhere story about Brad trying to make out with Toni any day.

See with your own eyes, yesterday:

And today:

I was discussing with my colleagues over breakfast yesterday that there are a few different kinds of multi-panel, character driven strips. You have something like, say, FBorFW, which is truly plot driven, shows the passage of time, has actual things happen to its characters, etc. Then you have something like, say, Mutts, which has recurring characters, but no real plot to speak of, just twee interactions between animals. Garfield, for a long time, dwelled in the no-plot-just-gag category. Sure, the cat had birthdays, but did it make a lick of difference? No. That is one reason why it was so alarming to many aficionados when Liz and Jon actually got together. Because nothing was really supposed to change. The thing about Luann is it sort of acts like it might really have a plot, but then it NEVER DOES. It is boring ALL THE TIME. Maybe I will be proved wrong and "The Lightbulb," will actually culminate in some sort of stupendous/hilarious/scandalous finale, but I'm pretty sure that this strip, like, officially blows.


comixdood420 said...

I am convinced that the culmination of this "plotline" will be a trite public service message in which Luann or one of the other bonerfaces in this "comic" strip teaches dad about the virtues of Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs. Mark my words. Now get back to work, CG69!

specialfave said...

Its funny how when I read your words I can HEAR YOU SAY them in my mind.
ps I have a blog! treasureinyourchest.blogspot.com
I need to get back into reading the chronic.

thera said...

they have a luann musical. did you know that?

comixdood420 said...

I listened to some of the Luann musical... I think it accurately reflects the "couldn't-be-worse" quality level that Luann has achieved in print form. It certainly can't rival the live Genesis performances available for viewing on specialfave's blog. Mind-blowing shit, by the by, thanks for the eye-opener SF.

Micah Allen said...

I have long felt that Greg Evans is the front runner for the "Cartoonist most likely to draw pornographic pictures of his characters and jack off to them in his spare time" award. For whatever that says about his strip/me.

thera said...

i like that EVERY sunday, luann is about how different boys and girls are. it's so dumb.