Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Friends, New Discoveries, Old Flannel

I would like you to join me in welcoming Mr. "Dick" Scott R. aka Rst_bilkeane666 (wtf?) to our tightly knit blogging team. In Scott's own words: "I feel like I will only want to write stuff when I am drunk."

In other news, Bizarro took a blogrific turn today, adding fuel to the fiery thesis I plan to write on MODERN TECHNOLOGY IN THE COMICS. For the next couple of weeks I will be keeping a careful tally of the strips which feature new media (cell phones, esp. txt msgs, blogging, the myspace, etc.) and then will enlighten all of you as to the ways in which this practice annoys me. The count for today is 2: the aforementioned blog reference in Bizarro, along with a cell phone reference in The Elderberries, although it was sort of half-assed. So maybe the count is at 1.5.

Holy Shit! In a failed attempt to bring today's Bizarro to the cyber-pages of this blog, I discovered that Dan Piraro, creator of Bizarro (way to rhyme your name to your comic, dorko) is vegan! Apparently all of those barnyard and laboratory 'mix were actually his attempt at animal rights activism. I'm gonna have to say that I did not recognize Mr. Piraro's political intent, and mistook his efforts for mere jokes, driven by sarcasm and a general mockery of our (post)modern era. Decide for yourself.

Finally, I would like to bring to everyone's attention some information I gleaned from the back page of today's San Francisco Chronicle, which I believe falls within my critical domain. After all, Bizarro's on the back page every day, along with Bad Reporter, the only truly legit thing that our sub-par local newspaper offers us. But what I wish to address is not a comic at all, nor is it Dear Abby, a personal fave (although it sucked today - I hate it when it's all responses.) Let's talk Entertainment Report, which informed us that Courtney Love is auctioning off almost all of Kurt's stuff because "My daughter doesn't need to inherit a giant bag full of flannel shirts." Well I sure as hell do! How much would it be ok for me to spend on a flannel shirt of Kurt Cobain's? Liiiike...$5000? What if we all pooled our money to get one? But who would get to keep it? I'll work out the details and get back to you.

1 comment:

xtina said...

Pool the funds, everyone gets a piece. Ooooh - deconstruct it.